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Rose Hips, wild (Northern Plains Indians) Nutrition

This page is all about the nutrition of Rose Hips, wild (Northern Plains Indians). Learn about the carbs, calories, fat, sodium, and other nutrients that are found in Rose Hips, wild (Northern Plains Indians) .

BellaOnline is committed to helping our visitors become healthy and happy. Our BellaOnline Nutrition Database will help you choose the healthiest foods for your chosen lifestyle. Please let us know if you have any suggestions!

Rose Hips, wild (Northern Plains Indians)

Food Group: Ethnic Foods

Long Description: Rose Hips, wild (Northern Plains Indians)


Common Name:
Manufacturer name:

Scientific Name:

Alternate Quantities
100g serving
1 cup (127 g)

Overall Daily Recommended Values (RDA)
Vitamin A: 4345 out of 2310 IU
Vitamin C: 426 out of 75 mg
Calcium: 169 out of 1000 mg
Iron: 1 out of 18 mg
Potassium: 429 out of 3,500 mg
Fiber: 24 out of 25 g

Important Note: Many vitamin RDAs vary based on your age and gender. Because we are a women's website, we list by default the values for an adult female. Please click on a vitamin name for more details on recommended values!
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 100 g
Amount Per Serving
Calories 162Calories from Fat 0% Daily Value*Total Fat 0 g0%Saturated Fat g%Trans Fat gCholesterol mg%Sodium 4 mg0%Total Carbohydrate 38 g13%Dietary Fiber 24 g96%Sugars 2 gProtein 1 g
Vitamin A186%. Calcium17%
Vitamin C568%. Iron6%
  . Potassium12%
*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs:
Total FatLess than65g80g
 Sat FatLess than20g25g
CholesterolLess than300mg300mg
SodiumLess than2,400mg2,400mg
Total Carbohydrate300g375g
 Dietary Fiber25g30g
Calories per gram:
Fat 9 . Carbohydrate 4 . Protein 4

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Rose Hips, wild (Northern Plains Indians) Nutrition Information - Full Details

All values shown in the detailed view below are per 100g of material

These full details can help you plan your health needs as precisely as possible! Enjoy!

Dietary Studies?
Inedible Parts?
Refuse Percent (percent you can't eat): 0
Scientific Name:

Factor for Cnvt Nitrogen to Protein: 6.25
Factor for Calc Calories from Protein: 0
Factor for Calc Calories from Fat: 0
Factor for Calc Calories from Carbs: 0

Nutrient Val: 58 g
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: WATER
Rounded to dec points: 2

Nutrient Val: 162 kcal
Additional Fortification:
Rounded to dec points: 0

Nutrient Val: 679 kJ
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: ENERC_KJ
Rounded to dec points: 0

Nutrient Val: 1 g
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: PROCNT
Rounded to dec points: 2

Total lipid (fat)
Nutrient Val: 0 g
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: FAT
Rounded to dec points: 2

Nutrient Val: 1 g
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: ASH
Rounded to dec points: 2

Carbohydrate, by difference
Nutrient Val: 38 g
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: CHOCDF
Rounded to dec points: 2

Fiber, total dietary
Nutrient Val: 24 g
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: FIBTG
Rounded to dec points: 1

Sugars, total
Nutrient Val: 2 g
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: SUGAR
Rounded to dec points: 2

Nutrient Val: 0 g
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: SUCS
Rounded to dec points: 2

Glucose (dextrose)
Nutrient Val: 1 g
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: GLUS
Rounded to dec points: 2

Nutrient Val: 1 g
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: FRUS
Rounded to dec points: 2

Nutrient Val: 0 g
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: LACS
Rounded to dec points: 2

Nutrient Val: 0 g
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: MALS
Rounded to dec points: 2

Nutrient Val: 0 g
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: GALS
Rounded to dec points: 2

Calcium, Ca
Nutrient Val: 169 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: CA
Rounded to dec points: 0

Iron, Fe
Nutrient Val: 1 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: FE
Rounded to dec points: 2

Magnesium, Mg
Nutrient Val: 69 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: MG
Rounded to dec points: 0

Phosphorus, P
Nutrient Val: 61 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: P
Rounded to dec points: 0

Potassium, K
Nutrient Val: 429 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: K
Rounded to dec points: 0

Sodium, Na
Nutrient Val: 4 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: NA
Rounded to dec points: 0

Zinc, Zn
Nutrient Val: 0 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: ZN
Rounded to dec points: 2

Copper, Cu
Nutrient Val: 0 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: CU
Rounded to dec points: 3

Manganese, Mn
Nutrient Val: 1 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: MN
Rounded to dec points: 3

Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid
Nutrient Val: 426 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: VITC
Rounded to dec points: 1

Nutrient Val: 0 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: THIA
Rounded to dec points: 3

Nutrient Val: 0 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: RIBF
Rounded to dec points: 3

Nutrient Val: 1 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: NIA
Rounded to dec points: 3

Pantothenic acid
Nutrient Val: 0 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: PANTAC
Rounded to dec points: 3

Vitamin B-6
Nutrient Val: 0 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: VITB6A
Rounded to dec points: 3

Folate, total
Nutrient Val: 3 mcg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: FOL
Rounded to dec points: 0

Folate, food
Nutrient Val: 3 mcg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: FOLFD
Rounded to dec points: 0

Choline, total
Nutrient Val: 12 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: CHOLN
Rounded to dec points: 1

Nutrient Val: 2 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: BETN
Rounded to dec points: 1

Vitamin A, RAE
Nutrient Val: 217 mcg_RAE
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: VITA_RAE
Rounded to dec points: 0

Carotene, beta
Nutrient Val: 2350 mcg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: CARTB
Rounded to dec points: 0

Carotene, alpha
Nutrient Val: 31 mcg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: CARTA
Rounded to dec points: 0

Cryptoxanthin, beta
Nutrient Val: 483 mcg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: CRYPX
Rounded to dec points: 0

Vitamin A, IU
Nutrient Val: 4345 IU
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: VITA_IU
Rounded to dec points: 0

Nutrient Val: 6800 mcg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: LYCPN
Rounded to dec points: 0

Lutein + zeaxanthin
Nutrient Val: 2001 mcg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: LUT+ZEA
Rounded to dec points: 0

Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)
Nutrient Val: 5 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: TOCPHA
Rounded to dec points: 2

Tocopherol, beta
Nutrient Val: 0 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: TOCPHB
Rounded to dec points: 2

Tocopherol, gamma
Nutrient Val: 1 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: TOCPHG
Rounded to dec points: 2

Tocopherol, delta
Nutrient Val: 0 mg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: TOCPHD
Rounded to dec points: 2

Vitamin K (phylloquinone)
Nutrient Val: 25 mcg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: VITK1
Rounded to dec points: 1

Nutrient Val: 0 mcg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: VITK1D
Rounded to dec points: 1

Nutrient Val: 0 mcg
Additional Fortification:
Tag Name: MK4
Rounded to dec points: 1

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments about this information! Keep in mind that manufacturers change their formulations from year to year, and there are often variations between natural products like apples. This data is up to date as of the UDSA 2010 release!

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Underlying data for the BellaOnline Nutritional Database is provided by:
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 2010. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 23.


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